Flat Balls?

I'm looking to see if any 1 has ever had a flat primer ball(when running at top speed) on their boat?, curious 2 know if there is a simple solution??? ..Help...
(2004, 115 Merc opti, at anything over 5000rpm seems like its not getting enough fuel ..boggs then stalls, the ball is sucked flat, does the ball have something to do with this or ?? Had it into the shop, fixed things myself and still not running right. Any advice is appreciated, thanks in advance
Hi all.
Itchin2fish. It sound like a a blocked vent. If it was one of those portable tanks it would likely be the vent screw closed however if not you should have a vent line running from the inboard tank. They are usually easy to find. Pull the vent line and blow it out.
I hope this helps.
Cheers, Clark
you could test the blocked vent issue possibly by trying to run with the fuel cap off or loose as long as your not dumping fuel and you are providing another source of air into tank
Thanks guys, I have a 2004, 18' Lund Adventure Fisherman. The vent is located on the side of the boat directly below the gas cap. I just went out and blew air into the fill location to see if air came out of the vent...and it did with lots of force. I did replace the bulb last year when it started doing this, with a Canadian tire jobby...a little softer then the one that was on there ...but the original bulb was doing the same thing. I will probably go to Proctors and get a better quality bulb and fuel filter this week and see if the problem persists. Thanks again and I am still open to suggestions....."A man has never learned anything while he was talking"
I would start by tracing the fuel line back to the tank, there's a blockage or a kink in it somewhere , also check for a clogged fuel filter
If the primer bulb collapses after the engine has been running or stays collapsed while priming this indicates a fuel line restriction upstream from the primer bulb. A defective check valve in the primer bulb could also be the cause. The fuel line filter or the fuel tank pick up could be blocked.

Found this on another site

Could be many areas of the fuel system.
But I chased this same problem for months myself.
Ended up being the pickup in the tank getting clogged with sediment. It only happened at wide open throttle, which is when it was sucking the hardest.
Once I slowed down or stalled and let it sit, I could re-pump the bulb start it again.
Thanks for the help guys, I'm on my way out to pull up the floor in search of a fuel tank, and the source of my problems. I will get back to you all on how I made out.

So I think we have found the problem. It's hard to beleive that the boat was put together this way....but it was. Just a thaught here...if a fuel line is comeing to a splitter from the under-side maybe point the connection towards it?? or if you assemble boats point it 90deg. in the opposite *$#!n' direction!
On a side note, I pulled the floor also to check the fuel pick up....I cant pull the line from the tank to check the end, its sealed in there...I may just end up blowing air into the pick up line to see if it is 100%
Looks like you found your problem! Thanks for posting it as if I ever have such a problem I'll know how to fix it!

Good Fishin'
That was the point of the post ...so we can all help each other, today and tomorrow. I figured that we could use this site for something other then reading Jimmy's stories. ;-)
Great idea Itchin and hope you found your problem. In the future though, can you be a little more careful with your thread titles?:D
Well, just got back from the lake. The boat ran like never before! :D I would like to thank every1 for the help! oh and G.Mech I'll be a little less creative with my following titles [:o)]
You gents probably know this but it has to be said that you need to be real careful putting pressure on that gas tank. Jacks up the oxygen and the airflow through a rubber line will create a static charge. A spark with good combustion conditions could make you a candidate for a plastic surgeon and a seeing eye dog or an undertaker. Kid in Ottawa went down that way last week. Not trying to whizz in your cornflakes but really hoping you'll be careful! I am a Safety Professional when I'm not a fisherman.

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