Fishing with Icefisherman - Canada Day

Duck Soup

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
We fished Lake Ontario, Emil's home turf. The weather was perfect but we were anything but perfect. I forgot my lunch and camera on the kitchen table and Emil didn't bring his camara and forgot the landing net.
We still managed to land 2 chinook in the 15-20 pound class, many smaller ones, 1 rainbow that must have weighed 7 or 8 pounds and several under 5 pounds. We also landed one nice coho and few smaller ones. I'll stay positive and skip mentioning the ones we lost beyond this one line. We fished off of Bronte and the best bite was out in 250 fow down about 40 feet. I'm guessing that we had over 20 fish on.
Well Arnie,
what can you say about those amateurs...good thing no one forgot their rods ha ha ha:D....despite our collective absent mindedness we did have a great trip with lot of fish hooked, even though we were quite generous to many of them in letting them grow bigger :)
Think about it....even with no landing net, not even a single fish we've lost by the boat side8D

Always fun having you aboard Arnie...should do another one soon...

Ice Fisherman
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