Fishing seat open


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:) I"M looking for a guy that"s interested in Salmon fishing in the Great Salmon Derby. Ticket is $115.00. My boat is 20ft. center consul Springbok. Fully loaded for Salmon, Wally"s & Rainbow. I have everything needed to fish. Fishing on weekdays mostly as I"M kinda retired. Share costs,,,,:)
I also fish Port Burwell for bows & eyes:)
What does it cost you per. trip, won this derby in 2005 sold all that i won would like to win it again. The best bet for me and the derby was Bronte, i am retired but do not have a load of cash this is why i am asking costs. Also if we get hooked up how do you want to sort out the winnings.
Hi Tuk;
A trip cost for me from Kitchener to launch runs about 100.00 give or take..It"s a nice surprise that you won the derby in 05 because I won it in 2006 the first year they had the pick-up to own as a top prize. My fish was 39 Lbs. out of Port Whitby..My phone number is 519-749-2836 gimme a call we"ll talk.:)
Hey Thirstystone,

Don't know anything about fishing big water with riggers---never done it but sounds like fun.

If you're ever looking for a fishin partner and to help out on cost, give me an email...thanks
:) E-Mail Sent..:)quote:
Originally posted by cc_shad00

Hey Thirstystone,

Don't know anything about fishing big water with riggers---never done it but sounds like fun.

If you're ever looking for a fishin partner and to help out on cost, give me an email...thanks

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