Fish finder/ Flashers for ice fishing

m burr

Well-Known Member
Just getting into this. Looking for recommendations.
Can't help you out on a flasher as I use a portable ice fish finder. Eskimo and Clam both make great pop-up ice shelters and is the way to go room wise if you have more than 2 persons fishing.

For 1 or 2 persons the flip up is a great option. They are very fast and convenient to use especially when run & gunning all over the place as everything is in a complete package. If you have never seen one before then check out this video as they are pretty slick to use.

I use the Deeper Fishfinder for ice fishing and love it! Extremely portable and easy to carry from hole to hole with no cords. Pair it to my 8" tablet for a nice big display and it works great.

I've been using a Vexilar FL8 for the last 9 years... Works great for deeper water...
I use my Elite 7 that I've had for several years. Take it off the boat in the winter, switch settings for ice fishing and your good to go. I've used vexilars etc over the years but this is cats as...
Register for Angling Outfitters ice seminar Jan 9th time 6P.M -8P.M .
Joslyn puts on an excellent seminar on how to get the most out of your ice fishing units .
Its free along with Tim Hortons coffee and donuts . Phone 519-539-5494 to register .
Bring in your units for updates and reprogram for ice fishing .
Merry Xmas