
Well-Known Member
Less than 2 weeks away!


Dan B.

What time do you guys run from and to? I have to work 8-12 on the 23rd but would still like to get down for a bit.



"Rivers are living things, sometimes swollen and discoloured, other times thin and anaemic. Spend enough time around a particular river, you learn to read its moods, like a spouse reads a partner."

Finish fishing at 4, BBQ at 4:30 and prizes at 6

Plenty of time for you to come by. Shoot me an email if you want to join.

Dan B.

Come on out Stick put a beating on some big browns in the thorn.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Originally posted by aknelsen

i guess it is going to be quite a wait to launch the boat, i might have to come at 5am

Yeah I think we should all launch and head over to the front were it's nice and shallow with a grass shore line but we can talk about that the morning of it's gonna be a awesome day ,can't wait


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Looks like we have 81 fish a thoners this year this is shaping up to be a amazing event and in only 3 years I would personally like to thank EVERYONE involved sponsors and particapants we have 3x's the fish a thoners so lets hope we double the $$$ raised to find a cure for this horrible disease that has effected us all in some way can't wait to see everyone on saturday.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Just wanna keep er at the top for the rest of the week not to late to join in on the fun come on out and help raise a tonne of $$$ for a great cause !


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
Looking forward to the event again! let me know when youre going down Shawn as we will probably come around the same time...

with all the boats in the water on Saturday the water level might rise!

its going to be a HOT day, happy the boat has a cooler on board.
I'm heading down around 5-5:30 want to be there and launched before to many get there so I can help people launch and what not but if ya want to leave that early I will text ya when I'm leaving.


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
well I am camping friday night to so I will see ya down there


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
fisher people in the long point area(and anywhere else online I would imagine) can get updates while the fish a thon is happening CD98.9 will be there at 7:30 am for the day so if you would like to contribute and haven't yet feel free to come down and give a donation to the 98.9 folks who will pass them along to The Fish a Thon for a cure I'm getting stuff packed and ready to go down later today can't wait

Here's the listen live link


I would like to thank Denali custom rods, The Rod Glove and Live Eye Jigs for their support
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