First trip 2016

150 4 stroke Yamaha, marine stabilizer in the fall, run it so I know that its getting into the engine and each spring fires up right away, since 2007 when the engine was new.... same every year.
2004 Yamaha 90hp 2 stroke....Fall--Seafoam and fresh gas, fog engine, grease everything, remove batteries. Spring...install batteries, run engine. In between....
NORTH END MARINE......disassemble and clean carbs, check lower end seals, replace impeller, fresh lower end lube.
They're AWESOME!!!!!
Does anyone run a gallon of Plumbers anti freeze through the rabbit ears until the pisser and exhaust is running pink? I know that engine hasn't any pure water in any nook and cranny that could freeze and split anything over the winter. It takes a few seconds to run a gallon through. I forgot to say that I do that. Simple to rig a small length of garden hose to the muffs and to cap on the jug. Start the engine, hold the jug upside down and stab the bottom with a knife. It takes seconds to run a gallon through. Discharge from the pisser will turn pink and the exhaust will run pink. Shut off engine, point the engine to the north wind and sleep like a baby all winter.
@WhatsthePoint... The extra insurance certainly can't hurt nothing especially if the boat is stored outside for the winter. I personally don't but mine is stored inside my 700 sq. ft. garage year round where it never freezes.
Does anyone run a gallon of Plumbers anti freeze through the rabbit ears until the pisser and exhaust is running pink? I know that engine hasn't any pure water in any nook and cranny that could freeze and split anything over the winter. It takes a few seconds to run a gallon through. I forgot to say that I do that. Simple to rig a small length of garden hose to the muffs and to cap on the jug. Start the engine, hold the jug upside down and stab the bottom with a knife. It takes seconds to run a gallon through. Discharge from the pisser will turn pink and the exhaust will run pink. Shut off engine, point the engine to the north wind and sleep like a baby all winter.

Yep, done this for years. Great extra insurance.
I always use a product called K100 S+ which totally eliminates water in the fuel as it actually it makes water burn among other things. It's available at CTC and has always eliminated any fuel problems that pop up at season start-up for me. I used to use Sea Foam but found the K100 much superior for curing bad fuel problems.

Hope this isn't your problem but is your Yamaha 4-stroke fuel injected? If so your problem could be the VST filter (Vapor Separator Tank) which are notorious for plugging on Yamahas especially when bad fuel is involved. Ethanol currently 10-15% blended into our Canadian fuel is also a culprit in fouling these VST filters. Fouled VST filters cause the problem you are describing exactly. I would try the K100 first as the injectors could also be fouled. The VST filter change out is expensive when done at the dealer because the filter alone is in the neighborhood of $70 let alone the labour involved. You can Google it as there's lots of information on this problem in Yamaha EFI outboards. In some cases it can be cleaned but usually needs to be changed. Here's a video how to change it, it's for a F115 Yamaha but the procedure is the same.

But try this first, hopefully that's all that's needed. :)
View attachment 3265
  • K100 S+ 2 Year Gas & Fuel Stabilizer is a 2 year fuel stabilizer that provides a +2 point octane boost
  • Prevents problems with all Ethanol Blends
  • Stabilizer eliminates water from the gas tank and fuel system reversing or preventing phase separation
  • Revitalizes old fuel
  • Encapsulates water for a complete burn eliminating ethanol phase separation
  • Increase Power and Performance
  • Cleans fuel injectors and carburetors
Where can I find this product.
1980 evinrude 9.9. last trip out of the water I give it a kick and say DIE. Every spring it starts up and it says SCREW YOU! No new motor for me this year, again!
Buckhorn... had 84 same as your/s... sold it.. then it was stolen. great motors... Red..