end of season


Active Member
Hello Dave,

Yes ... the season for Black Ducks finished on December 20.

Check the CWS hunting summary (the one you got with your migratory bird permit) for geese depending upon the location that you want to hunt.

See you guys at the AGM in the spring.

goose ended on the 29th of dec. for areas with sunday hunting and on jan 9 for areas with out sun hunting.
Going out on jan 1 for a hopefullly a final limit hunt. happy new year to all and enjoy the cold.

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
Well we made it out Thurs. went with Gord & Jack from Grindem for a last of our season shoot and it was a good one geese and ducks.Duck numbers I couldn't believe (lots)I believe we came home with a mix bag of 16 or 18 birds should had more but you know dam shells didn't have any pellets in them.Thank for the memories guys.
Originally posted by binkley

goose ended on the 29th of dec. for areas with sunday hunting and on jan 9 for areas with out sun hunting.

Actually it's Jan 8 for geese, Jan 9 for ducks
ended up only getting one goose today. the fog was so thick that it was hard to see anything on the lake . oh well better luck next year.[xx(]:(

keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
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