Elbow walleye and Musky 70fow


Well-Known Member
Went out to 70fow at elbow last week Caught 5 eyes and battled some wind and waves.

At one point a zero dipsey straight out back out 275’ fires and behaved like a king on Lake O. Takes out a bunch of line and stayed deep too. When we got it within 50’ my 12 year old boy says “I think it is musky”....me in my infinite Dad wisdom says “they aren’t in this deep of water”.
Well it was a huge musky! No pic as our net wasn’t big enough and he was a “leader release” by the time we figured out what he was.

Went out of Nanticoke on Friday morning with all 4 of my kids. Caught 18 on core, dipseys, snap weights etc.

Had breakfast at Hoover’s and this boat with 1800hp showed up for $1000 or more of gas

Great to be back.....I can take kids now.....they just sleep.

That's Ken Hill's new toy I believe. It has (5) 450's on it and has been tied up with the rest of his fleet up the river in Port Dover lately. It's okay I guess but I don't see any downrigger bases or berts tracks and there isn't a lot of room for a kicker so you'd have to go with the drift socks I think.

That's cool about the musky too, I know they do go out in deeper water occasionally but I haven't heard of many being caught out there.
Had a buddy of mine catch a musky while rigging earlier this year. 35'-45' fow on the outside of bluffs bar. I have yet to land one on Erie, but they seem to be growing in numbers and size. I have caught them in northern lakes, typically on weedy drop off's. Good to see another native species take hold. The perch fishermen may have a different perspective however. Nice catch.....
I have thought about running snap weights out there. Especially after all the 6 colour reeling that wemt down Saturday. Do you use the 50/50 method of setting them back or what is your program for deploying them. Leadcore with inline boards sure works but lord what a pain in the posterior.
Hey, I will use the snap weights a couple different ways....with rapala deep divers. I read a book once with dive tables that discussed all of this. Every ounce of snap weight 20’ behind diver gets you down 30% farther based upon individual diver table.

I will also use them on lead core....once again from this book I read (now forget title) every ounce placed 50’ behind your core adds one colour of core depth. This can change it from the widow maker title.
Looking to get out Wednesday.
I have thought about running snap weights out there. Especially after all the 6 colour reeling that wemt down Saturday. Do you use the 50/50 method of setting them back or what is your program for deploying them. Leadcore with inline boards sure works but lord what a pain in the posterior.
That's Ken Hill's new toy I believe. It has (5) 450's on it and has been tied up with the rest of his fleet up the river in Port Dover lately. It's okay I guess but I don't see any downrigger bases or berts tracks and there isn't a lot of room for a kicker so you'd have to go with the drift socks I think.

That's cool about the musky too, I know they do go out in deeper water occasionally but I haven't heard of many being caught out there.
I agree....needs some riggers or rod holders at least. My boys talked to guy driving and he said the fastest he will open it up to us 100mph.....but that it has way more throttle left.
Went out to 70fow at elbow last week Caught 5 eyes and battled some wind and waves.

At one point a zero dipsey straight out back out 275’ fires and behaved like a king on Lake O. Takes out a bunch of line and stayed deep too. When we got it within 50’ my 12 year old boy says “I think it is musky”....me in my infinite Dad wisdom says “they aren’t in this deep of water”.
Well it was a huge musky! No pic as our net wasn’t big enough and he was a “leader release” by the time we figured out what he was.

Went out of Nanticoke on Friday morning with all 4 of my kids. Caught 18 on core, dipseys, snap weights etc.

Had breakfast at Hoover’s and this boat with 1800hp showed up for $1000 or more of gas

Great to be back.....I can take kids now.....they just sleep.

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That black and red midnight special was in Turkey point Sunday. He can keep it . I like my grady. Still catches fish and outruns the weather.


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I have thought about running snap weights out there. Especially after all the 6 colour reeling that wemt down Saturday. Do you use the 50/50 method of setting them back or what is your program for deploying them. Leadcore with inline boards sure works but lord what a pain in the posterior.
6 colours is just a warm-up for when the fish go deep in August and you have to haul out the 8's and 10's. This is why I invite guests out fishing.
Definitely why I love having newbies aboard. Saturday was so weird. Only leadcore initially, Then the riggers only started to fire, then the dipsies late in the am. 18 picks and about equally 6 on each system.
Definitely why I love having newbies aboard. Saturday was so weird. Only leadcore initially, Then the riggers only started to fire, then the dipsies late in the am. 18 picks and about equally 6 on each system.
I am gonna run 2 on riggers, 2 on snap weights 2oz and 2 dipsys this Saturday. I hear there are 2 elbows. I know the one north of the lighthouse. Where is the second?
Thanks on the snap weights, will try this weekend weather permitting
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