Early Season Bow Hunting


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any luck yet?

I was out last night, watched 9 different deer between 530-7, 3 which were right below my stand, but no shooters yet.

Duck hunting tomorrow and back in the stand Sunday!
I haven't got out bow hunting yet but now that the weather is getting cooler I'm sure thinking about it. I will post when I do and good luck to you Jwalsh.
Hey Justin it's Ty. I was out last night and had a couple beside my stand. Same. No shooters . I'm going out all this weekend. Best of luck
Yes, looks like will have some cool mornings this weekend, good time to be in the stand, pre rut should be starting up soon!
I have been out 4 times this week in the stand, 3 does walking around. had a couple roaming around before first light yesterday but sunrise everything was gone..haven't seen my trail cam buck yet, but hopefully soon
Keep up the reports boys, I like hearing about everyone's experience in the stand. Hopefully one of us has a buck down soon and can share the photo! And remember to breathe when that big boy pops out :)
3 does and 2 fawns last night, 25 yds from the stand, came in really early at 5:15pm, each took lick on the salt and left. I was hoping a buck might follow, but still a little early I guess. I tried one sequence of rattling around 5:45pm too, but nobody was curious enough to come in for a look...back at after this wind dies down!
a lot of action yesterday morning, perfect wind had a lot of does in the morning after that windstorm, evening hunt had a 6 point come in as well.. more scrapes and rubs throughout the trail. hopefully get a wall hanger come through. I see its supposed to warm up wed/Thursday though got to get in that stand.