Dual planner boards and releases - info and advice


Well-Known Member
Decided to finally get a planner mast setup for my boat...got the first part - the mast....need some help with choosing the best releases and planner boards...
Will be using them mostly on lake Erie for eyes and possibly on Lake O. for salmon trolling. Would appreciate any advice and where to get them? I guess good used ones are also an option?


Ice Fisherman
Make your own there are lots of plans on the net and use number 16 rubber bands and shower curtain hooks for your releases. My boards ran in 6 footers allday saturday and the bands are easy to use.
Hey Emil, I have tried the collapsible big jon and rivieria dual boards, the big jon tracks a bit better than the rivieria. There nice because they save room on the boat,BUT my homemade wooded boards are still the best when it comes to tracking far away from the boat. I have a bunch of different releases...offshore, scotty, some real old pinch pads don't no what they are(got them from a buddy) and rubber bands. Like Marshman said there are alot of plans on the net.

Brian (Legend Man)
Originally posted by jumbos

Hey Emil, I have tried the collapsible big jon and rivieria dual boards, the big jon tracks a bit better than the rivieria. There nice because they save room on the boat,BUT my homemade wooded boards are still the best when it comes to tracking far away from the boat. I have a bunch of different releases...offshore, scotty, some real old pinch pads don't no what they are(got them from a buddy) and rubber bands. Like Marshman said there are alot of plans on the net.

Brian (Legend Man)

Well guys I did a quick Google search and found some written instructions (not clear enough for me) but couldn't find a good step by step with attached pictures or video instructions.
If you know of some such links please post and I'll try to do them myself.

Ice Fisherman
Check this out Emil, it's about the same as mine.


Brian (Legend Man)
Check out this link for planer boards that will handle waves. You can downsize them if you want.
I have used these plans:


The result surprised me in how well they performed on the water when tested couple days ago....pulled well early in the morning when calm and later in the day when waves got bigger...tested with the waves, against and diagonally....kept pulling very well and far from the boat. Will test them more on lake Erie in couple weeks.....here are few shots I took. Would be glad to answer questions and help someone who is trying to build their own planer mast system. Well worth the exercise and saving lot of money in the process. The feeling of self-satisfaction - priceless 8D:):






Ice Fisherman
Does anyone know of any home made masts for planner boards? I am planning on making some myself this winter

A bad days fishing better than good days work.
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