Draw for Gun


Well-Known Member
Just a quick question ? Who won the gun draw --and don't say Cam or I will never go in another draw again.
I guess it wasn't me as I haven't received any calls.
Sonnyuphi, it wasn't Cam for sure. I got the info for the newsletter but put it in a safe place. I'll ask Al again and post the info.
The winner was a fellow by the name of Jeff Horton. Apparently it was reported in the Port Rowan Good News. Al is sending me a couple of the photographs.
Originally posted by sonnyuphi

Just a quick question ? Who won the gun draw --and don't say Cam or I will never go in another draw again.
I guess it wasn't me as I haven't received any calls.

Thanks Arnie , just wanted to know who the lucky person was .
Cam did you actually use one of those semi-autos this past fall?
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