Dipsy Diver Size


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I am new to the forums but have been checking the fishing reports on here for the past couple years. This year my father and I have been trying to get after them eyes down in Burwell. We don't have down riggers yet but do have dipsy divers and leadcore, what size dipsy divers are most of you running and how much line are you usually letting out just to give me and idea, thanks a lot!
eventually you will be wanting both the smaller size and the larger size divers.
however that being said at this time of the year the larger diver is what your looking for. I like to take the rings off since you can achieve sufficient depth without them and it requires more line being let out... which is kinda the point of the divers right? Also I always run my divers on setting 3 again the whole point of the diver is to get the whole situation away from the boat. as for amount of line out... just check the chart and put the diver at the depth you think will yield a fish.

for more acurate depth charts you could buy a copy of the trollers bible. I can't think of what it is called since mine is always flipped open I havn't seen the cover in years... someone please post the name of the book to which I refer
Corey 06 most guys will run the #1 dipsy in either black or clear colour I laminated the chart that comes with your dipsy for accuratecy of depth.Welcome to the board.
curiously my blue dipsy and fire tiger do not seem to produce is this color very important should i leave a longer lead or spray paint them
Originally posted by riverrat

curiously my blue dipsy and fire tiger do not seem to produce is this color very important should i leave a longer lead or spray paint them

If you put a longer lead on you might have trouble netting the fish I usually have a lead about 6 ft. and put a snubber on the dypsy in front of the lead. I have good luck with black & clear dypsy. Hope this helps..:) I really don"t know how long your leads are...
I usually run walker deeper divers size 107. ill run 3 per side on a 3,2,1 settings.
As for line out, depens where the fish are. This time of year you will have luck running the dipseys around 50 ft down. look on the chart made for the dipseys and that will give you the approx depth for ft of line out. I get all different dipsey colors working depending on the day. black is most consistent obviously but blue works awesome in morning and night. i couldnt stop it sunday morning!! other colors will work good you just have to experiment.
I usually only run 6 ft leads and have good luck. I wouldnt go much shorter but if you go longer you run into netting difficulty.
Feel free to give me a call when your out there.
South Coast on 6-8

Hope this helps, Good Luck


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