Detroit Rvr/Colchester update....

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big rod

Fished with Vicky and Vince on Thursday.It was there first time on the rvr and they did a awesome job jigging.12 walleye ,8 smallmouth.

Here is a pic that Vince had sent me.

Nice wheelbarrow.:D
Fished the rvr Friday solo for three hours and ended up with 3 walleye,10 smallmouth,10 white perch and 3 silver bass.
Ended up trolling Colchester Sat for 4 hours,lost 48 worms in two hours.Caught 47 white perch and one silver bass.The last two hours we trolled Berkley Power bait 4 inch worm and caught nothing in two hours of trolling.I have not caught 1 walleye yet using fake worms .
Trolling is awfull,hopefully it gets better.

Big Rod
"Nice wheelbarrow"

What he said----fish aint bad either:D

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