Deer Drives

I think that happens now so it would not make any difference,,still the same mount of tags being filled ,,lots of bowhunters fill tags for others as is and I am sure the gun hunters do the same ,,Dutch
I think that happens now so it would not make any difference,,still the same mount of tags being filled ,,lots of bowhunters fill tags for others as is and I am sure the gun hunters do the same ,,Dutch
It may be true about the bow hunters but the army's in orange only have two weeks with both controlled hunts not months and it's not as easy with a bow for the unskilled masses
mooseman off topic but i drew an archery cow tag and my boy an archery bull .only ever shot one with the bow but 29 yards on the ground with a bow is a little harder than a gun .been close a lot of times but was lucky to sneak up on this one .also shot a couple bear at 20 yards with the bow .just my opinion but thats hunting to me ive given up almost completely hunting with guns they just collect dust unyill turkey or 2 or 3 solo sits for november deer
I b
mooseman off topic but i drew an archery cow tag and my boy an archery bull .only ever shot one with the bow but 29 yards on the ground with a bow is a little harder than a gun .been close a lot of times but was lucky to sneak up on this one .also shot a couple bear at 20 yards with the bow .just my opinion but thats hunting to me ive given up almost completely hunting with guns they just collect dust unyill turkey or 2 or 3 solo sits for november deer
i bow hunt deer a lot and use black powder in controlled hunt no more shotgunin for me and every year have to contend with sneakers comin in where they have no permission. I still rifel hunt for moose don't get up there long enough and can still get gun tags but thought about bow huntin them lots of times
Also not all bow hunters look for tags to fill but from what I see the ones that do are also the ones that like to shoot lots in the controlled hunts as well with their large gangs but that is just my opinion to each their own I guess
Dutch, were you been? Just finished my controlled hunt app and now thinking deer. Let's continue the conversation.
This may be a bit of a stretch, but ?
Sure your aware of the on going post, commercial fishing vrs recreational. One could compare the commercial fishery, similar to party hunting, and the recreational fisherman, as a individual hunter. Difference being, both hunting form's pay the same licence amount, no quota.
Point is, if there were no orange army's, shooting 20 for 20 licences, but rather 60 more licences sold to hunt as individual, about the same number of deer would be harvested, they just wouldn't be all in the same freezer's. The public wouldn't witness the cull, but rather one shot now and then, and even though we disagree on deer drives, I'm sure we both realize public perceptive and the future of hunting.
And I completely agree in changes to the system as per season's, form's of hunting and zone boundaries. Makes no sense to put the shot gunner's out this week, archery the next, all wanting to fill a tag. I lean more towards one deer season, Oct threw Jan, all form's of hunting.
I do agree with you about the view the public gets from the orange army ,,,I could go out back on are farm and shoot a deer anyday of the week ,,but a lot of guys do not have this option ,so how many guys would be able to hunt if thy did not have a gang to join that had land to hunt ,,,How many city folks would be able to shoot a deer if thy were left up to there own ,,not saying thy do not know how to hunt but rather thy may not have spots were thy can hunt ,,I bow hunt the first part of the season and also hunt the late shotgun hunt ,and I do fill a few tags well in the controlled hunt every year as there are a few in every group that would never shoot a deer un less thy just happen to get very lucky ,,we do try to give every one a great spot and switch out were every one sits day to day ,,but some guys just canot hit them or freeze up when thy get a chance ,we all know how that works ,,,,like thy say 10 percent of the hunters shot 90 percent of the deer ,,If I could hunt deer anytime in the season with what ever tool I wanted to hunt with.. with in the law ie shotgun muzzle loader ,or bow ,,,in are area we would not need to have big groups of guys out in orange ,,,once I filled my tag I could take others out to help them fill tags ,with small group like two or three guys ,hunting small areas ,on weekends or threw the week with out having to be in a rush trying to get every one a deer with in the one week rush ,,,there has to be a better way ,,,,Dutch
I do agree with you about the view the public gets from the orange army ,,,I could go out back on are farm and shoot a deer anyday of the week ,,but a lot of guys do not have this option ,so how many guys would be able to hunt if thy did not have a gang to join that had land to hunt ,,,How many city folks would be able to shoot a deer if thy were left up to there own ,,not saying thy do not know how to hunt but rather thy may not have spots were thy can hunt ,,I bow hunt the first part of the season and also hunt the late shotgun hunt ,and I do fill a few tags well in the controlled hunt every year as there are a few in every group that would never shoot a deer un less thy just happen to get very lucky ,,we do try to give every one a great spot and switch out were every one sits day to day ,,but some guys just canot hit them or freeze up when thy get a chance ,we all know how that works ,,,,like thy say 10 percent of the hunters shot 90 percent of the deer ,,If I could hunt deer anytime in the season with what ever tool I wanted to hunt with.. with in the law ie shotgun muzzle loader ,or bow ,,,in are area we would not need to have big groups of guys out in orange ,,,once I filled my tag I could take others out to help them fill tags ,with small group like two or three guys ,hunting small areas ,on weekends or threw the week with out having to be in a rush trying to get every one a deer with in the one week rush ,,,there has to be a better way ,,,,Dutch
f you are hunting early and late season already why not take the few small groups out now and help them
I do take out a few guys in the early season but a lot of guys do not have bows ,and some guys are into the ducks and geese in the early season .Dutch