Deep Watering

Green Baron

Active Member
Spent an enjoyable afternoon saterday rigging with my great friend Drop Me A Line (Randy)
End result 3 pics two more lost ( at least we belive they were pics since a person has a hard time loosing a sheep head) and one screaming 6 lb bow who put on an amazing show of both arobatics and lightning speed inches below the surface covering 60 feet in a blink of an eye with a 180 degree turn to repete the the burst of lighning speed
However with Randy on the rod and myself on the net the fish will surcome to a fine warm smoker soon
Not without loads of laughs and reminising while in search of our query it was an enjoyable afternoon spent with a great friend

Sorry no pics I dont photograph well without my Daysie Duke Shorts ;);) although there should be some avalable on Deep Secret web site in a short while

Fow water 60 - 62
Best lure Acid Stick
Speed 2.5 - 2.8
mid to top water range
tonnes of bait fish
also lots of fish on bottom , my guess perch


The Worst Day At Fishing Beats The Best Day At Work

Great report Baron......Good to hear you two clowns survived the winter. See you on the water soon.
The first eye of the year, you and Randy would have had a party in the boat.....good to hear from you guys.
Heeeeey TB I knew youd be lerking around here some place....;)[:o)] Yaaa we survived.. stepped up from the 51 inch class to the 54 inch class Muskie last fall and this year we ready to AGAIN show you that if your into a friendy fishing compitition against the team of Randy and Larry you dont take time out to play with a monster sturgen ;)ooohhhhhhhh wait that was a sheep head wasnt it ;)[B)][B)][B)][B)][B)] LOL Hope you got smarter this year ROFLMAO [:o)][:o)]
All kidding aside , nice to hear from you again buddyquote:
Originally posted by teebone

Great report Baron......Good to hear you two clowns survived the winter. See you on the water soon.


The Worst Day At Fishing Beats The Best Day At Work

Ya Brian started around the 58 foot markquote:
Originally posted by jumbos

Nice fishin Larry!
Did you try at 55-58fow???

Brian (Legend Man)


The Worst Day At Fishing Beats The Best Day At Work

oh ya ice, you the man ive been watching your posts,, definitly got to tag up with you some day , chow budquote:
Originally posted by icefisherman

you are the man buddy!
Save some for me:D

Ice FIsherman


The Worst Day At Fishing Beats The Best Day At Work

definitly was good to get at it again, its been a long winter quote:
Originally posted by teebone

The first eye of the year, you and Randy would have had a party in the boat.....good to hear from you guys.


The Worst Day At Fishing Beats The Best Day At Work

yes we were however Bruce is probably the place to be this time of yearquote:
Originally posted by onmedic

nice, very nice, out of Burwell?


The Worst Day At Fishing Beats The Best Day At Work

Nice Job! I went outta burwell saturday aft for some long awaited trolling and had a bit of luck too. Boated two good sized eyes. Started in 55 FOW and trolled all luck. As soon as I moved out to 62 I had the first fish within 5 minutes. Both came on dipsy's with a spoon.

Good to cya getting out old fella... Next time take some pictures... Do us all a favour and leave your cheeky shorts at home...[xx(] lol...
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