Deep Water Perchin, NOT Over


Big Dave

We fished 58' of water off Sandhills last 2 days and slayed the perch. Not as big as summer fish but most 8-10 with many over 10.

If you get decent weather go get em!

Big Dave / Big Rod

Seeing as no one else has piped up---nice going on the perch

Its a dirty job but somebody has to do it:D

Nice going Dave, the weather forecast is not in my favour using the 14'er out there, but I'm sure I'll get out there soon. Instead, I'll take the big boat out to the bluffs for some pike.
Thanks PR, Hey Jim dont go out there with your 14' tin boat. 10 miles to these fish!

Originally posted by Big Dave

Thanks PR, Hey Jim dont go out there with your 14' tin boat. 10 miles to these fish!


Thanks for the advice!!! That is too far for the tinny.
Nice fishin' Dave, not as good as you got us this past July. We are still talking about our 200 fish and 64 lbs. of fillets!!

Have a GREAT Day!!
Hey Big Dave, Noticed you were off Sandhills instead of further east where you generally head out for perch. Was thinking of going with the wife this coming Wed....better off Sandhills? or still good east off Hastings?
Hi John.

The perch we were working inside seem to have tapered off, we got into a lot of white perch and gobies there. We went to a gravel bed in 58' and slayed them. Having said that the deep water fish did not turn on till almost 11am so it might have been timing, the shallow fish may have turned on too. We also foung the size seemed to drop off with a lot more sorting.

Still good but so weather dependent now.

Good luck if you go and let us know how you do.

Thanks Dave,
Weather is looking nice for next few days..hoping to get out there...will post report.
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