Covid Parking $$$

can't miss

Well-Known Member
Listening to AM talk radio today, they did a segment on Orilla, Barrie, municiple boat ramps and beach parking rates. $10 bucks or so if your local, $50 bucks if your from out of town. Premier Ford said sounded like gouging and was "going to look into it".
Kinda agreed until a couple of locals from that area called in. Yes one complaint was no parking for the folks from the area. But, and hope your done supper, more complaints of out of towner's, TO folk, leaving piss jugs and bagged feces in the parking lots rather then driving home with them. Public washrooms are closed, so many are using the old wrap blanket around with vehicle door open, then just driving away Gross. Guess just regular garbage is extreme as well, coffee cups and snack rappers from the drive there just dumped out in parking lot before drive home?
Never saw this problem coming
They need to enforce. ..hand out tickets to compensate for the cost of enforcement.. we live in a world now that makes new rules to deal with people breaking the rules..
If the "Locals" want to open up their beaches/boat ramps/tourist areas and charge for parking I think it only fair that one price for all Canadians is the proper way to go. Also having no public washroom of any kind is just stupid ! Really ? You want people to buy food and drinks but have no facilities .... tsk, tsk, tsk. Same for garbage ; most people will put garbage in it's place but if cans aren't out there ... ? I agree there is no excuse for littering so if the Local government wants to charge enough parking fees to compensate for public washrooms/garbage cans not to mention maintaining them plus enforcement of By-Laws then okay but otherwise it smacks of discrimination .
The lakes are for everyone to Enjoy really making it Difficult for the average family to spend a day on the water
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