Controlled hunt week, group traditions


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Just wondering what y’all’s group traditions you have other than catchin deers
Any games y’all play, food you eat, beers you drink etc??
I made a real
Tasty venison stew couple years ago
Didn’t really catch on as a repeatable thing tho.
I’d like to start getting at least one group photo this year tho and continue it year after year. Hopefully I can talk these guys into it hahaha Slancy would have better luck with that but she’s going away this year
We have 16 guys who after supper gather in our hunt camp and get DAF!! We repeat this all week.
I am putting the finishing touches on the new bathroom I put out in the mezzanine in the driveshed, two showers, two toilets and a double sink that will keep the crew outta our bathrooms in the house!
I have six guys in my gang and get each member to bring and cook at least one dinner. Usually, each guy has their specialty dish like a lasagna or souvlaki that gets requested every year but my brother the butcher likes to show off and last year he did a Wagyu prime rib beef roast that blew our minds ! O M G ! It was so rich (as in filling) that it lasted two meals. I found out later it cost about what a truck's monthly payment is. I usually do a Bambi meatloaf on Sunday and then later in the week I marinade chicken drumsticks in Jerk sauce for 48 hours and order pizza to go with it, sometimes there is a Leftover Nite. Also whoever is cook doesn't clean as we take turns with KP duty and God bless Chinet plates they sure come in handy for some meals. Needless to say, once the guns are stored the drinks flow and toasts are made to those no longer with us and the retelling of past hunts from years past.

At the end of the week or when we tag out, I as Captain of the Hunt will announce who gets the honour of being Top Gun . They get their picture printed out and put up on the fridge and allows them bragging rights for the year. I tell my boys this every year " If we fill half our tags it will be a successful hunt as everyone goes home with meat but more important is to have fun and no one gets hurt." My paramedic buddy really likes that last part because he always says, "Here's some Tylenol and a tensor bandage. F O ! I'm on vacation, go call 911 !!!"

I wish you all a safe and successful hunt !
We used to be a big group of 10+ people. The group photo was a tradition and the party captain would risk spoiling meat on warm weeks to get a photo of all of the deer on the meat pole. Nowadays we are a group of 4 or 5 and if it is warm out the deer go straight to the butcher. Gotta admit those old photos bring back good memories, but I'll never forget arguing over how many days a deer will last in 15 degree temps. Still alive to tell the tale so I guess he was right?

A brag board is nice too. We write down weights of all the deer and write them on a board. Might seem silly for the first couple years but now we've got a record that goes back 25 years and lots of those names belong to dead men who we remember fondly. I guess that's another tradition, toasting the hunters who are no longer with us.
Just for shits and giggles go try to get some hungarian hurka its delicious you will all love it liver sausage or make your own
I clean out the freezer and make "venison" pepperetts the odd squire or duck may make it into the grinder mix it with pork spice it case it smoke it the boys eat it all week and no one ever complains