Collection of Rules

Gryphon Hunter

Active Member
For some potential research I am looking to collect some of the rules that are not authorized by government, but used in Long Point's marshes. Even if you don't adhere to them, but have heard of them, I'd like to make a list of them.

For example, rules like:
A person may "stake" a spot for the waterfowl season opener;
or shooters must be 400 yards apart.

If you're not sure if it's government authorized or not, add it to my list, just in case!

Thank-you for your help,
I always heard 250 yards was etiquette, as for the "staking a spot" public land is first come first serve. Staking a spot is for those who cannot get up early enough to get a good spot, even in the unit it is first come first serve in the line-up.

250 yards ? That would be nice but not always doable.As for "staking" a spot for Opening Day ? It's an age old tradition to stake your spot for that day after that it becomes first there get's the spot.I would suggest stopping by the "Unit" and picking up a copy of the rules and/or go on line and check with CWS and MNR for "their" rules. Otherwise there are no rules.
Thanks guys, these are exactly the sort of rules that I'm interested in. Things that might often be understood as "tradition". The "real" rules are, of course, much easier to find!
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