Colchester Walleye Update.........................

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big rod

Fished the islands Sat/Sun.Our best day was Sunday,6 rods 19 walleye in 4 hours.On Sat we fished 4 rods and got 6, 5lb walleye and twenty farm animals.On Sunday it was the opposite,6 sheephead and 19 walleye.
Lots of floating trees are around the western basin at this time,so if you go have a eye for floating wood.1.5OZ inline weights 42 to 48 ft back was the ticket.BB got a few fish but not as many as the inlines.The Colchester Lions Club derby is this Sat,no ticket no launch.
Sat fish were all 5/6 lbs

Sundays catch.


And the ever so glamorous wheel barrow shot.

Big Rod
See ya on the weekend.Hey should you not be at Home Depot or something,get off the computer.:D

Big Rod
Hey big rod........ nice to see the wheel barrel out again nice haul !

reeldrag............ still waiting for the invite how the cottage coming , good luck you guys..................apps
br never mind lol i did have to pick up some electrical parts

apps the boat is still in my lane way :(
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