Colchester/Detroit Rvr Update............

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big rod

Colchester is hot and the rvr is not.LOTS of perch around Colchester,with the odd walleye being caught while perchin.My buddy caught 2 beside us on Sat.Water temp was 35.7
Fished the rvr Sunday for three hours and saw 2 walleye caught,thirty or so boats,water was 38.
Lots of trees and stumps,bales of straw coming downstream.Another week and it will be very good in the rvr.

Big Rod
The boat's all loaded and ready for the weekend! Only problem is my daughter's hockey team is in the provinicial championship tourney in Toronto this weekend...if all goes well (meaning they get beat out early) we should be in Windsor by Saturday afternoon! Can't wait.

Chip, does anybody in Lasalle carry big jig heads or should I try and make it to Wally's Bait before he closes??
we are heading down o n friday do u think the fish will turn on we are staying in colchester at my sisters hous maybe if the river is no good we will perch fish any suggestions would be great four of us driving from oakville
Nice pig size hens,caught a few jumbo hens on the weekend myself.Their eggs were exploding in my boat like a chinny in the fall .Yup,the big hens come out to play in the shallows this time of year.
G Mech,if we get all this rain the rvr will probably not be fishable this weekend.I am going to Lasalle regardless to check out the conditions.Send me your cell number and i will text you by 8:30 am Sat morning.
You can get monster size jigs at Coopers which is about 8 minutes south of Lasalle.They have a ramp also.Strickly Fishing is just down the street from Wallys,on the same side of the road.

Duckman i would fish the weekend just look for the line of boats .Last weekend there were 8 boats out perchin .This weekend there will be 50 or more.

Big Rod
Perfect, thanks BR. I sent an e-mail with my number. I have been watching the forecast too, not looking too good. I am hoping it is fishable this weekend at least on the US side 'cause I can't go next weekend at all....[:(!] I'm dying over here!!!
thanks for the info we will try the river and hit the lake in the afternoon we will talk ourselves into fishing river but i thought it would be tough fishing with all this wind and rain.
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