Circle Hook Survey


Well-Known Member
I thought some may be interested in taking part in this survey.
Circle Hook Survey for Anglers

In an effort to better understand what the angling community thinks about circle hooks, you are invited to complete a short online survey where you will have the opportunity to provide input on this topic. The target community is anglers in North America that have used circle hooks at least once. The information you provide us is important! By completing the survey, you help ensure that the results are as complete and useful as possible. Your participation in this survey is voluntary and you may decide to stop at any time. You cannot be personally identified. For further information on survey data collection procedures and safeguards regarding confidentiality, contact Dr. Steven Cooke (Associate Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa) at Findings from the survey will be available at by mid June. In addition, results from the survey will be incorporated into an overview presentation on biological and social aspects of circle hook use in recreational fisheries at the upcoming first world conference on circle hooks.

You can access the survey here:

The survey portal will be open until April 10th 2011. Please share this posting with others that you know have experience with circle hooks.


Dr. Steven J. Cooke
Canada Research Chair in Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology
Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Biology
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Dr.
Ottawa, ON Canada K1S 5B6

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World (Hamilton)
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
Hi all.
I use them for finesse fishing Walley. Perfect lip hook every time which is a big factor in Live Release.
Cheers, Clark
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