Channel Speed Limits ?

Old Cut LongPointer

Well-Known Member
Well it's that time of year again. The "Oldest Cut LongPointer" is reporting boats speeding thru the channels already. I'll be down next week to put up the signs to help remind people but it's only commensense[ and the law ]to go slow when going by cottages and then there are those blind corners or intersects to watch out for! Not to memtion the canoes and kayaks that will be out there soon too ! I really don't want to have to use all those years of First Aid/CPR training. So to the "regulars" that know please pass it on to the "newbies" to take it easy while boating in the channels.

Thanks and everyone have a safe season !
Good reminder. Every year, more and more people forget the 'rules of the waves' when it comes to speed and water.

Transport Canada Regs:

Boaters must follow all posted speed restrictions (i.e. No Wake Zone, 10 km/hour Max, etc). In addition, when within 30 meters (100 feet) of shore, boaters must observe a speed restriction of 10km/h. This latter restriction does not apply

In buoyed channels and canals
On rivers or sections of rivers less than 100 metres (325 feet) wide
To vessels towing water skiers, etc. provided the vessel operates perpendicular to shore or within buoyed area where skiing, etc. is permitted

More info:

Common sense should always prevail BUT laws like this are developed because common sense is not as common as most would like.

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World, Bills Bait and Tackle
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
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