Canvasback / Redhead limits


Well-Known Member
The Ontario Waterfowl Advisory Committee, which has reps from OFAH, OMNR, and CWS, has approved the proposal to remove the restricted limits on Cans and Redheads for next year. This still needs final approval from CWS, but that should be forthcoming.

Thanks to Long Point Waterfowlers Association, Delta Waterfowl, and all of the individual hunters who wrote letters of support for this proposal!
Great job Dave !!
do you think the next mission can be to get the daily bag limit up to 8 birds like out west .
Hunter numbers are down and bird numbers up dont see any reason not to have an increased bag limit
again appreciate all your hard work

awesome Dave
we had at least 5 days this year when we killed 4 peoples limits in reds and couldnt find another bird to shoot
Glen -- Most of the Mallards that we shoot in ON are part of what's called the Eastern Mallard Population, i.e., Mallards that breed from nw ON and MI east to NB and ME, with the largest number breeding in ON. These birds are not just harvested in eastern Canada, but also over most of the eastern US. There's been some concern recently that "we" may be getting close to harvesting the "maximum sustained yield" from this population and there's ongoing research ( via banding and modeling ) to further understand the situation. So, based on that, I think that there would be considerable opposition on the part of CWS / OMNR to raising our limit to 8/day at this point.

Matt -- Great to hear that you've had such great Redhead shooting! Sandi and I were out here in TX on Sunday and we, too, limited on Redheads, but the limit is only 2/day. Unfortunately, the US F&WS is not nearly as enlightened as our CWS. :(
Thanks for the response Dave and the future of the population is what is most important !
BUT what if i promise to shoot only 6 mallards out of the 8 and shot a couple of widgeons or pintails ( sorry cant bring myself to shooting bay birds )
i will leave that to Matt and Mark

Great work Dave , I heard from Jim on the weekend and next year will probably be a go.I hope you and Sandy don't shoot too many of the birds I have missed so far this year. If you did you would be over your limits for sure !
Hanson do we really have to do this every time you cant hit em, If your staying down Sunday we might be going out, got a hot spot for some bills and greenheads buddy if the winds stay the same
Don't worry, Sonny, we've got that problem, too! But, our biggest problem is trying to remember what the limits are, e.g., The daily limit is 6, but only 1 Mottled Duck ( except you couldn't shoot any during the first 5 days of the season ), 1 Can, 2 Pintails, 2 Bluebills, 2 Redheads, 2 Wood Ducks, and 6 of everything else except only 5 Mallards and only one can be a hen. It's really quite ridiculous and I feel sorry for guys who have trouble identifying birds on the wing; I'm sure it's why some people quit duck hunting.

I'd hate to see us go down that path, Glen.
matt wind is switching direction and blow a bite I think we should take glen out and see if he can even hit a can coming into the decoys I think he is just afraid of missing something moving. Great to hear about the redheand and can limit ya baby.
Hey Duckman i might come out with you guys for the food but if you guys start shooting buffleheads iam putting a bag on my head
Matt we shot 3 snows on the river tonight

Nice, I had 2 specks come over my head at like 70 yards the other day not sure if i told you.
U should save them and play a trick on nuemann to piss him off, him and butch have been chasing 2 and cant get em
I've been hunting Brant County and Norfolk for almost 40yrs.Never seen a Snow goose or Speckle goose, have shot 1 Brant goose ( the one and only one I have ever seen)in all those yrs. Years ago I you to see hundreds of Cans and Reds up close don't see that many anymore.BUT EYE SIGHT NOT TO GOOD NOW NORE THE SHOOTING. LOL
Hello Dave,

We put in my driveway yesterday and when I was cleaning up at the end of the day there were flock after flock of "divers" heading in from the lake (over the causeway) to feed in the inner bay ... it was quite the sight. The geese were so close over my back yard that I might install a pit blind next to the seawall.

Thanks for the success of your proposal.

I have not heard back yet about my four (4) proposals ... a mourning dove harvest, an earlier season for BWT harvest, removal of Mute Swans from the Protected Species list and a Tundra Swan harvest.

Enjoy Texas or rather ... The Republic of Texas as my cousins call it. By the way ... they love their dove shoots.

I live in Brant county and have seen around 50 snows over the years some in the spring of course, seen the specks at the lake. We have shot maybe 5 snows in the last 8 years around the area. I seen 6 brants last year and got one,
I also live in Brant and every year see a few snow geese. It seems more in the spring than the fall. I do remember a couple of years ago I was hunting one of the outside blinds and a flock of about 100 flew west to east down the middle of the bay. That flock had a lot of blue geese in it and was really neat to see and hear. I have never seen a speckle belly in Ontario. However, one year around my home there was a small flock of 5 domestic geese that must have been abandoned or escaped and got thin enough they were flying. I got three of the group over a couple of weeks and were they ever nice eating!