

just looking for a new duck call want a double reed any opinions on whats out there these days
hey norton i have an OLT duck call works great and its made in perkin, illinos.its a number 66 call go to web site and listen there great .erie feeln.(john).
the best call I ever owned was the DR115
not sure who made it I think OLT. but the best hen mallard
I have ever heard. cheap too around 23 $ but I cant
seem to find them anywhere.


keepen'er afloat is always better than sinkin.
The bests calls that sound ducky are haydel and some of buck gardner calls
Haydel DR-85 I think is the best, you can scream with it or whisper when you need to, Think its $25
Timber cutters are also very good $45
Hello Norton,

I am no expert but I have two points:

1) I bought an OLT # 66 back in 1978 as well as a matching goose call ... they are collectors items now.

2) I also had an OLT DR 115 (black plastic) but I did not like it compared to the OLT # 66.

It comes down to what you like ... Big River makes several good wooden calls at a modest price as do many other companies.

Originally posted by erie feeln

hey norton i have an OLT duck call works great and its made in perkin, illinos.its a number 66 call go to web site and listen there great .erie feeln.(john).

Norton I've used a few models and have always gone back to my Big River DBL Reed calls, I have an Oak one and Synthetic one.. Both are great calls deep in tone for high ball calling and can be softened for when the ducks are committed… These calls work great when you’re trying to lure that nervous Mallard…. I also have a Goose call by them as well and is very realistic…. But everything is all in how you throw the tones with your technique…. But make sure it’s got the DBL reeds they tend to throw a better pitch then single…. Good luck in your choice…..
thanks guys i had a call made by ernie kister in brantford but is was stolen out of my truck i have single rd call from faulkner from down east but it just can't do what i want
Norton , I just wanted to add a little to the merits of single vrs. double reed calls.I find that double reed calls are easier to make ducky sounds ,in the house , and in warm weather . When the duck hunting heats up , things get cold and that's why I only use a single reed duck call (Echo timber )I find that the double reeds stick ,stick, and stick. That's why I don't use them .
Thats a shame Ernies calls are awesome and he dont make them anymore his in the process of teaching me but its gonna be a while.
If you like ernies calls I would buy a haydel timer cutter for sure then, You might need to tune it a bit but mine blows alot like a kister call
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