Buy only un-killed meat?



Buy un-killed meat....only in California

Note To All Hunters: This is from a San Francisco newspaper:

Folks, just remember as you read this, this person probably drives, votes AND, may have already reproduced.
The anti-fishing fraternity uses the same line of stupid rational.
This also explains in part how Obama got elected...
I can excuse stupid. Stupid is a DNA thing. It's passed down via the gene pool and can't be helped. Ignorance is what I can't tolerate. This person may be both, probably just stupid though.
That's why I keep thinking all warning labels be made illegal, it would thin things out...... I am a hunter, a fisherman and avid conservationist, a kill in the field is usually ethical, I am a Union Millwright, and the inside of a slaughterhouse, believe me, is no place to visit, as for store made meat, I'm appalled at the factory farms where this produce is made...... horrible...:wtf: