

Well-Known Member
got to my spot by 7:30 dead for the first 2 hours, around 9:30 the bite was on for about 2 hours steady, crazy at times, caught 1 sheephead, 2 siver bass, and well over 50 perch ended up with 20 keepers, biggest being about 14-15 inches just a pig, thats the best iv'e ever done out of burwell, by the way i was about 100 feet south of the rocks 18 feet of water, what a calm beautiful day.
not sure what size of boat you have but I have always had good luck at 42 feet of water south of burwell
also east of burwell at 36 feet towards the silver barn

if you have a gps , let me know and I can e-mail you some of my favourite wave points
hey guys, are they getting lots of perch fishing from shore right off the rock pile too? any help is appreciated. thanks.


Yes sir limits were taken at the end of the rocks I also was out east with the other 50 boats and only managed a dozen in 42 fow plus a bonus Walter was surprise to see a pickerel at the end of my line it got rough for a 14 footer so I head to the rocks got about 40 nice size perch there everything was caught of pickerel rigs with minnows oh yeah by the rocks we were in 12 fow.
Hey Quinner i got 40 off the rocks on Sunday in about 3 hours and then i had to leave. I WAS about 3 quarters of the way out and when i left they were starting to bite real good
i seen a lot of people get perch off the end of the rocks, some people took their canoe to the end and put it up on the pad so they didn't have to walk on the rocks
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