Fishing Report Burwell with a special guest 08-29


R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Had a great day out of Burwell with my neighbour's Dad Steve who is an avid fisherman from Eagle Point, Victoria, Australia. I never thought anyone would travel 16,000 km just to fish with with me and my pal Bruce and it was true, he didn't. He actually came to see his son married off but we went fishing anyway which was a hoot. Lots of fun comparing how we do things here vs there but in reality, there are lots of similarities too and he got the hang of everything really quickly. Anyway, we lauched around 8:30 and it was quite slow at first but after a few adjustments and finally dusting off the dipsy rods we got something going and got 15 nice eye's and a bow by 2:30 or so in 58 fow. Same old thing, long cores (8's & 10's) did okay and dipsy divers back 140 or so on 1 did well too. Spoons and redfins both did okay but it wasn't fast and furious like it was before the fish went deep. It was a nice day on the lake but it seems to me like it's time to put away the walleye gear and retool the boat with the musky stuff.

Here's Steve's first Lake Erie walleye and bow. It was a super fun day fishing Mate, next time we take your boat and chase some gummy sharks!

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Did you find that hat in the lake? Because that would be mine then.
Now you know how I feel about losing mine last Saturday...