Burwell trolling Fri

This is my third year fishing out of burwell and me and the boy got skunked for the first time today:(We went straight south 10 miles and trolled to 16 miles. We had three lines in, all dipseys with spoons. Only managed a couple sheepies but we had fun trying:P Definetly nice and warm out there. Flies were worst I've seen out there, I don't like fishing with bug spray but will certainly be reconsidering next time. Think I'll try lake O tomorrow, don't fell like going so far with my lil 15 yahmaha;)

Gone fishing, be back at dark-thirty!
wow. i give it to ya for going out that far. with my old aluminum, we use to do that. but i didnt think any one else did. im very surprised they were hitting everything well goodluck tomorrow and let me know how you do!
Thanks for the report Perchinator. Unless someone posts with a different story we can assume it was an off day for fishing.
Wow Perchinator that a long ride with a 15hp , people think I'm crazy for goin out with a 30hp evenrude 4 stroke , what a guy will do for fish!.......................apps
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