Fishing Report Burwell Sept 16 Afternoon


Well-Known Member
Was finally able to get out fishing with the "registered boat owner", and along with his girlfriend managed a 3 person limit for the boat. (released 8)

This is the first "late in the day" trip for me and considering it's 23:50 and my son and I have just parted ways after cleaning / packaging our catch and washing up, I expect it will be the last.

I still have the boat to look at tomorrow, and if I hadn't witnessed the bugs out on Erie today I would swear a bag of coarsely ground pepper had been shaken all over it.

All in all, a great day on the water, (except for those bugs) brilliant sun, no breeze, no waves, and walleye.

Launched just before 3, ran out to 61 ft, ran 6 lines for a bit, settled on 4, and was heading back in just after 7 pm.

No real standout lure today, a mix of spoons and the gold and black ripplin worked for us again.