Burwell Saturday AM


Active Member
Wow, what a nice day out there. the first two hours I couldnt keep the fish out of the boat. we had 16 eyes by 9AM. I had to work hard after that to finish with 22 eyes for our limit. Back to the dock by 1130 to start cleaning.
Dipseys at a 3,2,1 back 175, 140 and 110. 8-10 color leadcores.
Lure selection was Knock Out's that were green, blue or purple first thing in the morning. Couldnt keep any lures in the water long enough to get wet. fishing came to a hault after mid morning and I got a black dipsey with pink panties firing well.
all in all, great weather, great fishing.


Thanks Duck, I would have to agree. they really do have a bit better of a taste at the table.
One of the bigger ones we caught today had a golf ball sized tumor on the side of it. you get those big ones and you have to make sure the meat is all good.
Looks like the weather will be good this week so looking forward to hearing of more great reports!


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