Bumpy Burwell...


Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Headed out of Burwell yesterday afternoon with another couple and was greeted with less than ideal conditions... 4-6' waves... Out we go as there supposed to drop as the day wore on...

Dropped rods in 58' straight out and after tweaking the spread it was apparent they wanted some old school baits... Riplin Redfins...

We worked our way out a touch east and a touch west and still managed 15 bites before pulling the rods at 8pm due to the nasty biting flies... 12 of the 15 bites were on the Redfins... Other 3 were on Dreamweaver SS's...

Be well... Jammer



Nice pix Jammer! Thx for the report. Hoping things settle down for the weekend.
Hey jammer.....at less the bumpy ride payed off , thanks for the report and great pics , can wait to get out myself and try that new rod!!..................apps
Well Jammer, 4-6 foot seas are too much for this old timer. Real nice photos anyway. Thanx
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