Braided Downrigger Line

Leftys Buoy

Well-Known Member
R.O.C. (Radio Operator's Certificate)
Looking for opinions on braided down rigger line.There is no electrostatic hum that you get with s.s. cable. Looking for pros and cons and even tips from anybody who has used it. {need to replace cable on riggers through the off season} EBAY has 250 Lb. Power Pro for sale. Any input would be appreciated.
Only one reason I can see NOT to use braid. Cannon riggers need wire cable to send down the positive ion field right to the ball. I switched from manuals this year, and it works. I always caught fish before, but now have doubled my hookup rate with the new cannon's. Other than that reason, I don't see why not braid. Is it cheaper, or why would you consider it. Reduced blowback??
It's about $45.00 for 450 ft., mossy green. Supposed to be reduced blow back and no hum. I have 2 Big Jons and 2 Walkers {about 12 years old} and never replaced cables. Something new to try out.
Go ahead and give it a try. Why not? I think i saw a thread on this subject on the spoonpullers website. Good luck.
Thanks for your reply B.G. I appreciate your opinion. I'll share mine come next season. Dave
I think the stainless bracket on the walker below the pulley would wear through very quickly. it cut the rubber off coated cable for subtroll
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