Bottom Bouncing for Local Walleye?

Braggin Rights

Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

I grew up fishing walleye in the Sudbury region and fished them on light spinning gear which I've always loved. We now live in Port Rowan and I'm not really much of a fan of trolling the big lake for them with our heavy trolling gear. We do it once a year to put meat in the freezer but it's not all that exciting on our trolling rods. lol That said, Averie and I recently tried bottom bouncing up north (something I've never actually done before) and it was pretty fun. I could definitely get behind this style of fishing on Erie. Anyone ever tried it? I'd rather catch less fish but catch them on spinning gear, than limit out on walleye while trolling. Here's our vid (I took a funny spill).... but yeah... just curious to see if anyone has tried out of Burwell etc...

Bottom bouncing worm harnesses is quite common in the western basin, especially early in the season but once the water warms up, it becomes less effective. There are very few active fish hugging the bottom this time of year, most are at or just above the thermocline in water that is pretty deep for bouncers. I have bouncers up to 5 oz but they're kind of heavy and take away all the fun once the fish are that deep.

I love bottom bouncing too and would do it all year if I could. I love the feel of hanging on to a light rod and getting the bite. It is super effective on the northern lakes as you know once you get the hang of it.
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Hey guys,

I grew up fishing walleye in the Sudbury region and fished them on light spinning gear which I've always loved. We now live in Port Rowan and I'm not really much of a fan of trolling the big lake for them with our heavy trolling gear. We do it once a year to put meat in the freezer but it's not all that exciting on our trolling rods. lol That said, Averie and I recently tried bottom bouncing up north (something I've never actually done before) and it was pretty fun. I could definitely get behind this style of fishing on Erie. Anyone ever tried it? I'd rather catch less fish but catch them on spinning gear, than limit out on walleye while trolling. Here's our vid (I took a funny spill).... but yeah... just curious to see if anyone has tried out of Burwell etc...

I watched this last night. I see you and stomp have some things in common.
you can jig for them just like for laker if you dont like trolling. 3/4oz jig, fin s minnow, tiny piece of worm, watching on fishfinder is essential, panoptics is even better
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