Fishing Report Blugills


Headed out early this morning to a local pond to hopefully get into some nice gills and maybe a bonus crappie or perch (y) The action was hot and heavy from sun up to about 10 o clock, managed 35 bluegills all together with my buddy, could have limited out easy but we had enough for a good fry, no bonus crappie or perch sadly but an awesome day on the water! :) Will post pictures soon.

Cheers everyone, safe and happy fishing - Bickle
No one I knew ate them when we were youngins until my cousin and I filled buckets full in the US of A for my Great Grandma. My former father in law never ate them until I cooked a few at the cottage in Calendar Bay. They couldn't get enough after that. A pain to clean until the electric knife was invented. Rock Bass are even better than Sunfish too.
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Didn't know what a blue gill was, until about 25 or so more years ago. Went to Rondeau Bay and while stopped for some bait; I asked the guy what the fishing was like. Oh he says, if you drift across the bay, you'll be able to get into the blue gills. So we take this guy's advice and start a drift; but all we were getting were these HUGE what I thought were sunfish? LOL
I still shake my head and laugh at myself; we could have filled the boat, if we wanted too. Since then I've learn (or tried) to educate myself and know what's on the end of my line.
And yes I agree; just as good eating as perch and it's surprising how much meat there is, on these pancake like flat fish.

Nice haul Bickle!!!!!

Thanks everyone, going out hopefully tomorrow to try my luck not sure what I am wanting to catch...... Gills, Slabs. or Perch kind of a tough decision :banghead: Will post a report on how I do if I go out.
Cheers everyone - Bickle
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