Bluffs today


Well-Known Member
Fished bluffs and gravely bay for about 5 hr today there was a ton of oos smallys but no gators threw jigs and cranks till arms where ready to fall off trolled spoons and the oos smallys wouldent stay off so called it a day hope others had better luck
Fished bluffs and gravely bay for about 5 hr today there was a ton of oos smallys but no gators threw jigs and cranks till arms where ready to fall off trolled spoons and the oos smallys wouldent stay off so called it a day hope others had better luck
@saltybigstick its been a tough season at the bluffs for pike for me as well. Been catching little hammer handles as well as Silvers which I've never caught them there before. It seems the inner bay on the north shore is holding some nice descent sizes from what I've been told.