Better mileage


Active Member
Just throwing this out for some ideas, I am wondering what your thoughts are on getting the best mileage out of a tank of gas this summer. My fishing boat is 8,000lbs and runs 2 4.3litre v-6 engines. It drank a lot of gas last year and I'm thinking that with the price going up the way it is, maybe I shouldn't try to get to the fishing spot in such a hurry. Is it better to run both motors around 1500rpm and cruise at 15-20mph or go up on plane and run 30mph?
Any input would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jeff
3000 rpm is typically the designed cruising engine speed for fuel mileage(for boats).Make sure you keep them tuned up good.Something you can do is eliminate some unnecessary weight.If you don't need it or use it,leave it at home.My next recommendation is ONLY if you know how much gas you'll for a day of fishing.Don't fill your tank if 1/2 of a tank is more than you'll need.Gas can add a lot of weight.Just my two cents
Originally posted by Mumph

3000 rpm is typically the designed cruising engine speed for fuel mileage(for boats).Make sure you keep them tuned up good.Something you can do is eliminate some unnecessary weight.If you don't need it or use it,leave it at home.My next recommendation is ONLY if you know how much gas you'll for a day of fishing.Don't fill your tank if 1/2 of a tank is more than you'll need.Gas can add a lot of weight.Just my two cents

Thanks Mumph, I didn't really think of the weight of the gas in the tank. I made it a habit of keeping it almost full (approximately 400 liters). That is a good idea you have.
Thanks, Jeff
I would keep up on plane..the reasoning being that you are contacting less water which acts as drag on the surface of your vessel...I only go fast enough to stay up on plane in a straight line...I try to go fishing with a pre conceived idea of what I am trying to accomplish that way I'm not carrying 80 lbs of tackle when 20 will do the job.I've seen guys hauling boxes and boxes of tackle under the guise that if you don't have it you can't use it.I've yet to hook a muskie out in 60 FOW yet these guys are carrying lures for just such a species-and I just shake my head.Sometimes....less really is better!
Originally posted by fishbone2
Thanks Mumph, I didn't really think of the weight of the gas in the tank. I made it a habit of keeping it almost full (approximately 400 liters). That is a good idea you have.
Thanks, Jeff

i believe 1 liter of gas weighs .74kgs or 1.6lbs. 400 liters = 640lbs of gas. run at a half tank and you're shaving off 320lbs which would probably help.

buuuuuut, if you wanna play you gotta pay....:D
In addition to what others have suggested you might want to invest into a fuel management system.

Lowrance sells a fuel flow sensor (under $100 ish?) that you can hook up to your Lowrance NMEA 2000 network and that should help you dial in the correct speed really fast.

The right speed for your boat will change as the load weight and distribution change.

You could purchase two fuel flow sensors (one for each motor) and monitor each motors fuel usage and it could help you catch if/when one motor needs a little TLC.
Thanks to all that responded. With all those hints , I might be able to stay below the 1800 liters I used up last year.
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