Bayfield River

big guy

Well-Known Member
Hey folks. Heard the river was open, and a few fish being caught. Checked it out yesterday. Arrived around 11am, ya I know that's late for bows. There were lots of guys everywhere in the marina area and gas pumps. Word of open water water sure gets out quickly. We walked over and saw quite a few 3-5lb bows laying in the snow. All were caught earlier in the morning, and some before sunrise. Anyway we tied up, and lost a couple within a couple of hours. Nobody was on the piers when we arrived, so we decided to venture to the south pier. First drift with a bag potted me a plump, shiny chrome 3lb bow.
Oh man did that feel great after the winter we had. More people showed up. There were a few more caught, but with the sun directly above us, I surmised they had all went out under the pack ice for cover. Nobody agreed, that was until two guys in a 10' aluminum motored out past us all. They beached the boat ON the ice and fished out of the beached boat through the cracks in the ice. Within the next 2 hours those two guys had a blast. One after the other. We counted over 15 fish. And they had it all to themselves. The fish in fact were under the ice.
The pack ice is as far out as you can see, but the river flow has melted a nice mushroom shaped plume opening at the mouth. LOTS of fishable water on both the north and south sides. There was the usual conflict(already)between the still fishermen and the few drifters. I'm surprised nobody went for a swim. It was pretty close a few times. Ahhh, river fishing;)
I am looking at 2011 fishing regs, isn't season for Bow's on Bayfield River closed till 4th Sat in April?
from hwy 21, out to the lake, is open all year. Same goes for Goderich and the Maitland River. keep reading!
Originally posted by benzik

I am looking at 2011 fishing regs, isn't season for Bow's on Bayfield River closed till 4th Sat in April?

You need to review the Exemptions Section for Year Round Fishing. Should be clearly stated in that section. Some of the finest Steelheading can be done in March through to early April. I would rather fish for late winter chrome bullets than spawned out mules on opener weekend.

Name: Jason Barnucz (Delhi, Ontario)
Thanks to my sponsors Bass Magnet Lures, Koppers Live Target Lures, Fishing World (Hamilton)
2007, 2011 Team Ontario, Ontario BASS Federation Nation
Was up at Bayfield with wifie the other day. Didn't fish myself but saw a few guys along the river near the mouth but only one guy caught anything respectable in four hours. I was surprised. Oh well, could have been one of those in between bite times. Huron.
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