Bay of Quinte


Active Member
Hey all, as promised here is my report from the Bay of Quinte this weekend.
We traveled Thursday night and hit the water Friday morning. Fished for 3 hours and had a 4 man limit of very nice eyes!! Most of the fish caught around the 2lb mark with a few in the 3lb class. A little time cleaning and we sparked up the deep fryer. WELL what a feed!!!
Saturday morning back on the water, started off really good then the front moved in and the fish moved out. Took us about 3 hours to find them again but once we did.....another limit.
Gave it a go this morning before we left and had to once again go looking for the fish. Found them and boxed a couple nice ones before we ran out of time.
This was also the first trip that my son has come on. He did a great job and even showed up the old man on Saturday fishing pretty tough conditions! Great job Spencer!
All in all just a fantastic trip! Anyone thinking of going,,,,,,,just do it!!! What a great place to fish and enjoy the great scenery!


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