Auger/Perch Fishing!


Active Member
So I head down to Old Cut with Rotten Ronnies minnows and take Jimmy's ice taxi service out. All is great, I set up the hut while I let my 7 year old boy put together the ice auger. I drill two holes then as I break throught I see the bottom half fall off and naturally it sinks to the bottom! [:(!] I guess I should have checked that it was fastened properly. lol So the water was murky today of all days and after many attempts and a frozen right arm I gave up and fished. The bite was steady all day (fished from 10:30-3:15) managed 30 with 5 decent ones (all caught and released) Then Jimmy came by and was kind enough to help me try to retrieve my half auger. Without a giant magnet it was useless! Thanks for trying anyway Jimmy :) All in all it was a great day and nice weather and plenty of ice out there still. Good luck fellow anglers!

By the way, I have a top half of an auger for sale! Used twice! ;)

AHHH The Fishin Life!
Thanks, but no it was just a manual auger and I just bought it 2 weeks ago. Oh well lesson learned!

AHHH The Fishin Life!
Thats a bummer about your auger but it will be a memory to reminisce
later on with your son. We were also out of the Cut with limited success - fished out towards EC 10. Met a member from the board fishergirl - very nice to meet you.
Likewise mr wfw! Mr.R and I appreciated the use of your friend's hut...hope to see you out there again soon!
Originally posted by lookin4fish

So I head down to Old Cut with Rotten Ronnies minnows and take Jimmy's ice taxi service out. All is great, I set up the hut while I let my 7 year old boy put together the ice auger. I drill two holes then as I break throught I see the bottom half fall off and naturally it sinks to the bottom! [:(!] I guess I should have checked that it was fastened properly. lol So the water was murky today of all days and after many attempts and a frozen right arm I gave up and fished. The bite was steady all day (fished from 10:30-3:15) managed 30 with 5 decent ones (all caught and released) Then Jimmy came by and was kind enough to help me try to retrieve my half auger. Without a giant magnet it was useless! Thanks for trying anyway Jimmy :) All in all it was a great day and nice weather and plenty of ice out there still. Good luck fellow anglers!

By the way, I have a top half of an auger for sale! Used twice! ;)

AHHH The Fishin Life!

You did'nt happen to mark it with a gps did you?
No Wollfy I didnt have my GPS with me :( If the water had of been clear that day I would of been able to retrieve it. I usually bring it but because I was only about .8 of a km out I didnt.

AHHH The Fishin Life!
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