ATV meet and greet?


Well-Known Member
it looks like we have quite a few guys on here that own ATV's and i was thinking it would be fun to get a group of guys together for a day of riding and to meet forum members. just throwing the idea out there in hopes of sparking some interest and hopefully gain some new buddies to ride with.

is there anywhere around these parts where we could make this happen and ride for a while? maybe a BBQ afterwards?
St. William's forestry farm would probably be the best spot. I wouldn't mind doing that, as it seems now-a-days all my friends come up with excuses not to ride.

Would prefer to wait till the spring time though, but it does sound like a good idea.
Originally posted by fergy57

St. William's forestry farm would probably be the best spot. I wouldn't mind doing that, as it seems now-a-days all my friends come up with excuses not to ride.

Would prefer to wait till the spring time though, but it does sound like a good idea.

how big of an area is that? crown land?

why wait until spring? put some hand warmers on your quad, wear your ice fishing boots and ride. :D
sounds like a blast aswell ,im not to sure about areas out that way that are open still to quads with it being sled season? ive been to that st williams reforest area in early spring. its ok for about 1/2 hour then your criss crossing trails youve been on? i believe the trails by turkey point camp ground area are a lil bigger but the same thing a big grid pattern on both sides of the road, ive seen muddy quads out by st williams but im not sure where those trails are or if they are open to public or are shared w/ a sled club??
ive got a few kms of trails here on the reserve but have not been out in a long while to check water levels and ice thickness on low areas and or trail access in certain areas (gated farmers crop access)

i get all my exercise..pushing my luck!!...Alex Van.
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