Asking permission to fish Burwell

Verily I say unto thee ,go forth and cast thy line ,to Burwell thou must go or Bruce ,
Enjoy thy day on the waters, and go home with thy great bounty .
From Burwell, go easterly to yee olde silver barn.
Good luck to yee, invader from the east.
Wise'th Stomp, how ye doth useth the Kings language to such eloquent end.
Should ye procure the wily perch with equalled grace, ye surely be proclaime'd in stature likest the noble King Big Dave.

Forsooth, ye be known as Bobo Slayer!
Me thinks I've met my match... Alas poor Bobo, I did not slay thou, rather he was placed in the online stockade where his commoner brethren and the good King Big Dave did pass judgement on him.
Alas, be it King Big Dave's judgement seemeth harsh, it was but just.
Let us all rejoice in the bounty that is life without the accursed Bobo.
To call this thread hi-jacked would be am epic understatement. Funny, yes, but definitely hi-jacked. Sorry to the original poster but that's the way things go around here sometimes.

Just for giggles, tomorrows first post will be hi-jacked with all replies typed only in Pig Latin....keyoay okeyday??
Burwell it is, tomorrow. A warning shot across the bow if I get too close to the pack. I'm going to change my call letters on the bow tonight. If anyone sees a 19 foot blue on white Starcraft with a 115 Mariner it's the invader from the east. I'll be the one with camo face paint. I'll be on Chanel 6-8, but won't be able to get there until the afternoon winds permitting. The high jacking has been fun, no offence taken here.

Thanks all. Hope to see you on the water.
The invasion was postponed until after lunch, I thought it would throw you off and catch the Armada with their guard down. Got to Bradfields around 1 pm, no minnows, off to North Erie marina. Man I have never seen more boats at any marina from Key West to Nanaimo than those 2 today. I though what a cluster jam this is going to be. Like clockwork, 1 in and 1 out in 5 minutes or less, smooth as silk. Both have great crews. Some of the marinas owners here should head down there and take some training, listening Mr. Hoover? More than 5 boats in quay here and a traffic jam and fist fight breaks out, no I was first, no way I was. Sometimes in 2 different languages, that's for another thread, probably not politically correct anyway.

On the water at 2, docked at 6, best day of the month for weather on the lake, 35 to 38 feet of water. The sun came out and glass flat just after my 1st mate fell off the butt seat and checked the water temperature, yes right in, splash. It's the first time I met the man, actually it was (not) funny. He says the seat post came out, maybe.

Kept 12 really respectable jumbos, threw everything back less than 8" that didn't have the bladders full or revived in the live well. Kept a dozen or more 8-10 inches.

If you bring a fish up slowly from deep water there sometimes is never a swim bladder problem, worked today.

The invasion doth a success and herby declared a victory for the Queen, she loveth the pearl of thine sea and bounty was a plenty.

The beasts from the east thank you.
The true bounty resides in King Dave's Kingdom , we were there from 1:30PM to 6 PM and caught 161 nice perch 10 - 14 inches , (4 scoundrels)