Any Reports on Ducks vs. Gulf Oil Spill ?


Well-Known Member
I was looking through DU and Delta websites and there have been no reports on how the wintering ducks off the Louisiana coast have fared .I know there was great concern in the fall regarding the diving ducks which would have ben affected the most by the spill but I have seen anything written now that the birds are on their way back north.
Were some killed? Was there a problem with oil-soaked birds? No news might mean a good thing if damage to the birds was minimal.If anyone has heard anything maybe update us here !
No news is most definitely good news in this instance, Sonny. The only ducks killed due to human causes this fall / winter in Louisiana were shot by hunters 8D Just another example of "Chicken Little striking out".

It is too bad that all of those groups and the media that, for various reasons, hyped up the hysteria over the spill haven't bothered to report that nothing bad happened to the ducks and other migrant birds due to the spill.
All reports I have saw reflect an excellent number of ducks out west this coming fall due to high bird numbers and excellent breeding conditions.

I read an article this winter about a couple of volunteers from a DU Committee from the Minneapolis area who took time off work (as firemen) to go down and help with waterfowl rescue in the Gulf. They were there for over a week, and on the water every day.

They found six oiled ducks to rescue.

I bet if they took a week off work in hunting season they would kill way more ducks than they "rescued".

Not to diminish the risks of off-shore drilling but I think once again we have been conned by the media looking to sell papers with news of catastrophic disaster.
They saved 6 for Duckman to shoot next fall ! It looks like it has the makings of a good year for the ducks .Lots of birds and lots of water out west . Now if we can just get a little more water in the Bay we would be set . Or find out who is pulling the plug after Labour Day weekend .It seems every year after the long weekend we lose 4-5 inches of water in a week.I have seen that happen every year now and I know there has to be a direct cause for this to happen but no one ( in Government ) seems to say exactly what it is.
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