Another "Ice on Inner Bay"


Well-Known Member
This is a follow-up from Wednesday's pic. It was too foggy to get a recent image of the ice on Inner Bay until now. This was taken about 4PM
Saturday Jan. 1. It looks pretty wet and slippery. I am impressed by the cleanliness of the ice surface after this week's traffic. I don't even see a coffee cup. Every ice fisher deserves a pat on the back for leaving the ice in such pristine condition. Nice job


d ferguson
Here is a link to a Fishmaster clip at the Grand. outflow.
Hey Phantom that is Booth's Harbour with Bait Island in the distance and Pottahawk Point beyond.
Any of you guys close to Grangers and Shermans at St. Williams just how soupy has it gotten by now? If handy please post a pic or two, would be really appreciated. Perhaps tommorow or Monday some time if your around the area. Wish I was a little closer I'm over in Stratford but have an interest in coming over when it gets to safe hard ice. Thanks, Huron.
Originally posted by Phantom

Is that out of Booths/Port Rowan? Nice picture. Good to see.

Here's the Booth's harbour camera.
I just checked the looks like there is a couple huts out between booths and st. williams...can anyone confirm this?
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