Another ice drama


Well-Known Member
Was on the news about a snowmobiler who had to be rescued off an ice floe in lake erie.

Anybody have any details to share.

Offical report from USCG. One lucky guy.

Oh No, here we go again....

Thankfully everyone is safe and that once again, our emergency response folks were at the ready. Despite the fact that some folks will surly characterize these guys as inexperienced, stupid, careless, ill-prepared, drunken, stoned morons who should have been left to die, I'm sure their families were glad to get them back. ;)

I think that pretty well covers it......
Originally posted by G.Mech

Oh No, here we go again....

Thankfully everyone is safe and that once again, our emergency response folks were at the ready. Despite the fact that some folks will surly characterize these guys as inexperienced, stupid, careless, ill-prepared, drunken, stoned morons who should have been left to die, I'm sure their families were glad to get them back. ;)

I think that pretty well covers it......

Well said!!!!!!!
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