all members-pls read


Well-Known Member

Make sure to read the link below, the rules have changed out there for reporting inwards when entering CDN waters. No longer do you have to anchor or shore, you just HAVE TO BE IN CDN WATER.

Lots of border boaters on here, spread the news.
They're gonna be busy during April and May on the Detroit & St Clair rivers!! Hundreds of boats out there and most criss cross the river numerous times every day to fish...each return to Canadian waters requires a call. I guess it would be too simple to just copy the US law that says you do not need to report unless you land or anchor.
No kidding that is our government make all kind of rules that they cannot possible enforce and then go out one day and make an example of the guys that do it all the time. I fish both the detroit and niagara rivers and have all the fishing licenses I nee and must cross the border 15 times in the run of a fishing day just crazy
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