2011 Canadian Waterfowl Hunting Regs


Well-Known Member
I have a PDF of the 2011 Regulations for each Province including chages from 2010 plus other interesting information. Send me an e-mail at cdankney@kwic.com and I'll forward to you.
That's good to see they actually did change the limits on Cans and Redheads to 6 per day 18 in possession. It will be a miracle if I ever could manage 18 Cans in my possession.It would be 3 days of unbelievable hunting !!
Who needs to go to Cuba or Mexico when you can travel in Canada out to the North West Territories (Yellowknife area ) and shoot 25 ducks per day and 15 geese . You won't have to worry about being shot by some drug dealers and you don't even need a passport.
I know there is 1 lodge offering duck hunting and trophy pike fishing but they are extremely expensive (looking for American $$$).Does anyone have any contacts or names of places offering duck hunting in the NWT besides the one I am thinking of -I think it's called Big Trout Rock or something like that.I read a story years ago in a hunting mag of some other guiding service up there .
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