2 days 2 limits


Active Member
Was out yesterday and today south east of Port Bruce and the Eye's were hitting pretty good . Yesterday 6 eyes and 2 big Perch . Today 12 eyes and one 9 1/2 # Bow. Yesterday 10 and 8 color lead with pink panty's or orange / red worm harness took all but one fish witch was taken on a fire tiger rapala ( 5 inch ) and it inhaled it . Today 7 color with mouldy muffin on plainer board did most of the damage . As fast as you could bring it in and get it back out you would have another one on ( only one mouldy muffin spoon with me ) The other fish ( 2 ) came off pink panty's on the rigger down 45 feet in the 60 foot range . Today the bow stayed down till about 30 feet from the boat then jumped about 5 feet in the air 3 times . What a great sight to see so close to the boat . Also both days the eyes were hitting funny they seam to swallow the bait and swim with it not setting off the release and staying down tight to the bottom when being brought in .
Good to hear someone did good today.
Only 3 walleye & one bow for the 2 of us today.
Threw everything at them on riggers, leadcore & dipsys.
All fish off one dipsy with the same spoon. #1 dipsy in Batman colour on a purple greasy chicken spoon.
The bow we caught never jumped once.
Had one long release of a bow that hit the dipsy 150' out & peeled off about 20' of line & jumping right at the start. Funny thing was it never tripped the release on the dipsy which had previously released fine on a smaller walleye just earlier. No adjustments were made to the dipsy.[?] How it quickly dragged the dipsy up from about 50' without tripping it I don't know.
I figured you were out Fri. as I seen your wife being dropped off at home & the truck was gone.

Take Care: Rick
We also had only a mediocor day on Sat. Only 1 pic & 1 bow. The bow was on a pink panties on the rigger, back 125 & down 45. Stayed down the whole time with not 1 jump. The pic came off the other rigger on a mixed vegie with the same settings. Both were good sizes with the bow at 8 1/2lbs & the pic at just over 5lbs. Also got a huge perch on a dipsy but that was the only fish caught on dipsies all day. Lost a dipsy at the end of the day though when I was bringing in lines. Picked up the rod & pulled to release it & "twang" nothing left. Don't know what happened. Oh well looks like it's time for a shopping trip to see Josh at Anglers:D:P
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