17th LPB

sea star

Well-Known Member
Not sure what to expect with the wind blowing for a week. No need to worry. Lots of fish still around. Pleasantly surprised to have so many bows today in an area that was 5 to 1 eyes over bows last week. Also took a big laker as well as a couple of cohos. Added 4 eyes to the box as well. Lost 4 or 5 plus the 10 core took 3 hits that we saw without hooking up. Ended up with a bunch of fish as well as releasing some. Hot colour was blue silver followed by more blue silver. Green silver, gold, copper black , clown also took fish. Riggers were good down 72 and 63 with 15lb balls. 10 core with an extra 3 oz went a bunch and the DDs were out 200 on 2 1/2 taking 3 or 4 hits. High cores only took one fish. All in all a good day after what looked like a week of wind that could have blown it all up out there. Looks like theres still some good fishing to be had in LPB this year.
Good job @sea star . Happy to hear you got fish. Easily my toughest day in a long time. We only managed 1 bow and some silvers. Ran all the same tactics except maybe we didn't fish deep enough and stayed too long in old stomping ground. If I can round up crew might try again mon or tues. Thanxs for your report.
Tougher day than usual as well with bales of hay floating around and Walleyes seeming to have vapourized around our boat. Ended up with 2 bows, and two silvers, bows were off or rigger 47' down and 8 colours of leadcore, both using Riplin Redfins in black/silver and blue/silver, dipseys were not as attractive an option with one silver on one, the other silver came off the rigger. West of the gas well seemed to see more action.
Not sure what to expect with the wind blowing for a week. No need to worry. Lots of fish still around. Pleasantly surprised to have so many bows today in an area that was 5 to 1 eyes over bows last week. Also took a big laker as well as a couple of cohos. Added 4 eyes to the box as well. Lost 4 or 5 plus the 10 core took 3 hits that we saw without hooking up. Ended up with a bunch of fish as well as releasing some. Hot colour was blue silver followed by more blue silver. Green silver, gold, copper black , clown also took fish. Riggers were good down 72 and 63 with 15lb balls. 10 core with an extra 3 oz went a bunch and the DDs were out 200 on 2 1/2 taking 3 or 4 hits. High cores only took one fish. All in all a good day after what looked like a week of wind that could have blown it all up out there. Looks like theres still some good fishing to be had in LPB this year.

Great report ! I made it out Sunday evening seen a few boats hanging around the 60 to 70 ft zone. I made a couple rounds didn't see anyone pulling in fish so headed east. Got to 110 fow and the led core (9) and riggers both fired I landed 1 eye 1 bow and lost another all in a bout 20 mins. Woulda loved to stay on them but had to get back
was out tues afternoon 2 picks one at 50 one at 70 blue and silver nasty boy off riggers,tried lead core off planer boards with worm harness and red fins 8 colors no bites there.