lake ontario

  1. MikesPikes

    Fishing Report Grimsby - April 9

    First time fishing Lake O for Lakers - has been on the list for a while! Calm water and wind made for a great day out on the water. Lines in at 6:45 out around 1pm. 10/12 all great size and all back to swim another day. 40-45 FOW seemed to be the hot spot, with lines 5'-10' off the bottom...
  2. stomp

    Fishing Report 2nd Hand Lake O

    Musky boy Craig sent me this report ftom Grimsby... 5 for 10 with a 20+ pounder in the mix.
  3. bosco

    Bosco's Fishing Charters

    We Have Your Lakes Covered!! Depending on time of year and Fish migrations...we start on Lake Huron, off Kettle Point, for Salmon and Lakers, and then move to Lake Erie, out of Port Burwell for Walleye and Rainbows and Bronte Harbour on Lake Ontario for the big Salmon and Trout. Call us to...
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